Ever since CBD oil became a hit with man, man’s best friend has followed suit. It is also important to note that other animals such as cats and horses also use CBD oil. CBD oil is being used in dogs for a variety of reasons. For some its general healing and wellness so that their dog can live a long healthy life. For others it’s so as to help their pet with pain, inflammation, low appetite, anxiety, arthritis, cancer, surgery, bladder problems, bowel issues, digestive issues, etc.
How to give your dog CBD oil
One of the challenges associated with giving CBD oil to dogs is getting them to take it and ensuring that they actually ingest it. To this end, it is recommended that you give your dog CBD oil manufactured specifically for canines. Your dog is more likely to take this because of its smell and taste. The other recommendation is to watch your dog during and immediately after giving it CBD oil to ensure that they do not spit it all out the moment you turn your back.
With that said, there are three main CBD products recommended for dogs:
CBD oil dog treats: These are designed like normal tasty treats but they contain CBD oil. The great thing about these is that they will be ingested fully and all the CBD oil within them absorbed into the pet’s body. They are also less messy and chances of the dog not ingesting the tasty treat are very low.
CBD oil liquids: These are designed just like normal CBD oil tinctures for humans. You administer the CBD oil via a dropper onto the dog’s mouth. Although the oil is absorbed quickly via this method, it can get messy and the oil can also be spat out via saliva thereby drastically reducing absorption levels. If using this method try to deliver the drops of CBD oil down into the dog’s throat rather than onto the tongue.
CBD oil balms and ointments: These should be gently applied on wounds or inflammations. Most of these CBD oils and balms are non-toxic and natural so it’s okay if the dog takes a lick.
How much CBD oil should you give your dog?
The amount of CBD oil your dog should be given depends on its weight and size. The severity of your dog’s condition is another factor to bear in mind. As a result, the dosage is never set in stone. Rather, it is simply an approximate.
Small dogs: (less than 20 pounds)
For dogs in this weight bracket, give about 5mg of CBD oil daily.
Medium size dogs (20 to 50 pounds)
For dogs in this weight bracket, give about 10mg of CBD oil daily.
Large dogs (50 to 100 pounds)
For dogs in this weight bracket, give about 15mg of CBD oil daily.
Extra-large dogs (100+ pounds)
For dogs in this weight bracket, give about 25 mg of CBD oil daily.
When is the best time to give your dog CBD oil?
Give your dog CBD oil when it is in pain or suffering from inflammation. If your dog is undergoing an illness or condition, give CBD oil two times a day (morning and evening).